My Austin J40    "The Real Big Boys Toy" (Darrel Taylor)

Like most things they are Raleigh Chopper related, this is no exception.

Whilst sorting through a few old photos I found a couple of me and my pedal car.

Having a mid life crisis like I am I decided to buy one, I was having a chat with Julie Strong and happened to mention that I wanted and Austin J40 coincidently her mate Paul who used to have Chopper kicked the habit and went into Austin J40's, funnily enough he had one for sale all solid but a shed. We struck a deal at £300.00

I have done all the work on this myself no one has contributed to this except Roy Halford supplying the parts and his advice, Richard Hudson for letting me use his workshop and welding new brackets to the axle and Ray Brice for recovering the seat with the original Rexene and in the manner it left the factory and Dave from Letchford Supplies for digging out the colour chips to match the old girls paint up..

The one good thing that came out of having my own car bodyshop for 27 years that this little baby compared to all the real classic cars we used to restore is that the size made this job simple.

This car has turned out to be a 1953 (December) pre production model, rare to say the least.

In case you are wondering how long it took 18 months.

I'll let the pictures tell the story. (Click any Image to enlarge)






The car is nearly complete I am just in need  two original Dunlop Cord tyres

Big thanx to Darrell Taylor for giving me 2 NOS PP1 batteries for christmas!

Email me if you have these parts for sale please!

J40 @ Austin


Austin J40 Part 2:

I bought another Austin J40 from Darrel Taylor which I robbed a few parts off but due to the fact its number is in the J40 Book on the register I must have another go. This car is for Sale!