Latest Pictures including Some of my prize collection of Raleigh Choppers and the Tandem we restored for Lee Malin

     More Pics from Billing Aquadrome Meeting 2003                               E-mail your pics in to us


Kevin's Pair of Magic Eatons

Eaton Fastback 100 and Princess Girly Eaton

Bryon Darby's Swinger

Using Just the Swinger Frame and Springs The doner was a Murray "krate-style" bike,

The Ledinghams Chopper 5's

Waiting to be restored so they can crusie the streets of Birmingham and afar once more

A Yamaha powered Chopper

This from Darren Smith has to be the worst thing I have ever seen in my life

Darren Smiths Nice restored Chopper

A nice chopper Mk2 in Infa Red from Darren Smith with a very rare Chop Chop Screen

He's off again

Another ???? from Darren Smith, What is he like?

Paul Freemans Mint Restored Mk2

Paul Freeman sent in this picture of his mint restored Infa Red Mk2

Another Concours Bike from my collection

Eat your heart out Niven!

Sprinting round the play park

2 years since i bout this from Ben now it is finally done

Mint Sprint

Every morsel of this bike is NOS and has been rechromed as well.

A Concours Girly Chopper from our camp

At a cost of over £1400 its anothe fine example of my collection

Three SE's How Cool

Pictured her in the front is the NOS one used by Blue Peter and in Issue 8 of the Hot one, second is Lee Malins SE and as always last the TCSE

From Blue Peter to my drive

Amazingly it still has the chips in the decal which can clearly be seen on the piccy on the Hot One

Lee Malins Tanden Finished

After a 20 month restoration it is finally done

A Massive Chopper

This has been one very trying restoration but as always we are NEVER beaten

I had to have a go

Well it wouldnt be right not to test drive it would it now?

The Line Up of Choppers

Every one a show piece

A Rare Sight my Choppers out

Get Your Chopper Out !!

Big Johns Fizzy

John Lees latest Baby No 1

Big Johns Infa Red

Latest Baby No2

John Lees Purper

Big Johns Purple Chopper complete with Tiger Tail

TC on Salt and Shake Bike

Me on The chopper used in the advert for salt'n'shake

There I go

Sorry Graham I had to pinch it

A series of pics from Keith

Keiths loverly restored Tomohawk

Lee Malin on Salt'n'Shake bike

Lee come back you cant have it

Simon Daniels on Guard

Look after the bikes Si just hiding incase anyone see's the Grifter

cheeers mat John & Gail

From Reculver Show

Daves Daughter here on her Budgie for the first time

SpaceChopper Daves Cal Custom

How about this

The Californian look on display at Reculver

Darren & Paula

A rare shot of Darren & Paula riding their bikes at Reculver

Love it

Daves daughter on the Hughes's Chippy


Spot on